
Professional Strategies and Techniques for Digital Photographers

Professional advertising, nature, portrait, and wedding photographers give the inside scoop on how they deal with issues faced in shooting, selling, and retouching digital images. Top photographers such as Dave Montizambert and Don Emmerich describe how they got into digital photography and what it has meant to their business and their photography. They also share information on what led them into photography and what it has taken to reach the top of their field. Whether a relative newcomer like Dave Montizambert or a seasoned hand like Phillip Stewart Charis, each of the photographers interviewed offers valuable advice and insight about what it takes to get into digital photography and how to set up a modern studio.

About the Author

Bob Coates has written for industry magazines such as Photo Electronic Imaging, Professional Photographer, Rangefinder, and Shutterbug. His photography has appeared in National Geographic, New York Daily News, and Studio Photography and Design. He is the author of Photographer's Guide to Wedding Album Design and Sales. He lives in Sedona, Arizona.,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg