
Creative black-and-white photography: advanced camera and darkroom techniques

The revised edition of this guide teaches photographers to systematically re-think the photographic process and take their technique to a new level. The author introduces an array of advanced techniques and concepts and explains how to use them creatively to solve a wide range of challenging aesthetic problems. The uses of sophisticated techniques involving film exposure and development control, camera filters, innovative uses of print contrasts, dodging and burning, and bleaching are illustrated step-by-step using comparative sequences of black-and-white pictures. In addition, a new chapter provides insight into the issue of digital versus traditional black-and-white photography from an insider's perspective.

About the Author

Bernhard J. Suess is a professional photographer and photography instructor whose work has been widelyexhibited. His photographs have appeared in over thirty publications in seven countries. Author of Mastering Black-and-White Photography (Allworth Press), he has published articles on the techniques of black-and-white photography in journals such as Darkroom & Creative Camera Techniques and Outdoor & Travel Photography. He lives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.