
The Art of Infrared Photography

Paduano walks you through all the steps of infrared photography in a clearly written and illustrated text which makes every aspect of the process easy to follow. Topics include: The theory of infrared film, precautions, filters and focusing, film speed and image grain, exposures, night and flash photography, processing and printing, toning and handcoloring prints, color infrared film, and digital infrared cameras. -- Petersen's Photographic, October issue

Product Description

Enter the mystical world of infrared photography. Author Joseph Paduano covers the equipment and techniques one needs to produce stunning infrared images in b&w or color". . . . escorts the reader into a fascinating area of photographic experimentation".--NEW YORK TIMES.

About the Author

Joseph Paduano is a professional photographer and the author of Infrared Nude Photography and Wide-Angle Lens Photography.